Voith Hydro GmbH & Co KG
Linzer Straße 55
Postfach 168
3100 St. Pölten
+43 (2742) 806-0
Principle Products:
- Complete equipment, installations and services for hydro power plants
- Francis, Pelton, Kaplan, bulb turbines, pump-turbines, standard and
custom. - Generators and motor-generators. Excitation systems.
- Frequency converters, protection systems, switchyards for all voltages,
transformers. - Power plant automation, control centers for hydropower plants and
cascades, including plant management and diagnostics systems. - Shut-off valves.
- Consulting, engineering, erection and commissioning.
- Service, modernization and rehabilitation of existing hydropower plants.
- Storage pumps, radial, semi-axial and axial-flow pumps.
Further information: www.voithhydro.com